New Book Reveals 9/11 Suspects

The U.S. government has turned to 9/11 again in order to justify its program of spying on all Americans and to support a new, expanded war in Syria. Yet as Americans are distracted by these ongoing crimes, the deception behind the origin of the War on Terror is being more fully revealed.

Cover2CWere the crimes of September 11, 2001 solely the work of Osama bin Laden and nineteen troubled young Arabs, or were more powerful people involved? After a decade of investigation Kevin Ryan, the co-editor of the Journal of 9/11 Studies, offers an evidence-based analysis of nineteen other suspects.

With the support of victim’s families and leading 9/11 researchers, Another Nineteen looks at who was in position to accomplish major elements of the crimes that have yet be explained. Detailed evidence is presented that reveals how each of the alternative suspects had the means, motive and opportunity to accomplish one or more aspects of the 9/11 attacks.

 “Finally a comprehensive and meticulously researched book that thoroughly details what occurred before and on 9/11. Without a doubt, Another Nineteen should be required reading for those who want the real story.” – Robert McIlvaine, father of Bobby McIlvaine, who was killed at the World Trade Center on 9/11

“Kevin Ryan has written a book that reminds us that the attacks of September 11, 2001 and their details have never really been investigated. Kevin has laid out the historical framework in a way that has never been done before. The importance of this cannot be overstated.” – Lorie Van Auken, member of the Family Steering Committee for the 9/11 Commission and widow of Kenneth Van Auken, who was killed at the World Trade Center

Starting with what should have happened that did not, and what should not have happened that did, Another Nineteen reveals that certain powerful people had the means, motive and opportunity to make 9/11 happen exactly as it did. Those people represented private networks and government programs that came together in surprising ways on 9/11.

To get the book, go to the secure E-store:

Or go to Amazon for a considerable discount.

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16 Responses to New Book Reveals 9/11 Suspects

  1. xxxanonxxx says:

    Reblogged this on WOUUP.TK and commented:
    Kevin Robert Ryan continues to embody truth, justice and the American way. Looks like a great book. Ryan’s research is a pathway to justice for the crimes of September, 11th, 2001. The crime of the century that was blamed on muslims, but more likely perpetrated by members of the military-industrial-complex. Large quantities of explosive thermite were found in the rubble of the demolished towers. Who put in inside the buildings? Who had the time, access and motive to create the catastrophic and catalyzing event of 9/11?

  2. xxxanonxxx says:

    Reblogged this on GOODNEWS and commented:
    Kevin Robert Ryan continues to embody truth, justice and the American way. Looks like a great book. Ryan’s research is a pathway to justice for the crimes of September, 11th, 2001. The crime of the century that was blamed on muslims, but more likely perpetrated by members of the military-industrial-complex. Large quantities of explosive thermite were found in the rubble of the demolished towers. Who put in inside the buildings? Who had the time, access and motive to create the catastrophic and catalyzing event of 9/11?

  3. Pingback: New Book Reveals 9/11 Suspects | History Uncensored

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  7. Pingback: As 9/11 Continues to Justify State Crimes, New Book Reveals Suspects | 9/11 - A Cheap Magic Trick

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  9. ajl says:

    Thank you! I just ordered a copy.

  10. atavisms says:

    Thank you, yet again Kevin. Just ordered a copy.
    To those new to 911 Truth, I would just remind you that, despite the potential for complexity this issue involves, it is a relatively short list of well-documented facts that so overwhelmingly indicate the demolition of WTC 1 2 & 7 on 09/11.
    Some of those facts are detailed here:

  11. fullyalive says:

    What I don’t understand (I have the EXCELLENT book) is why someone with a big mailing-list doesn’t start a petition not only to re-investigate re. all these ludicrous clues about 9/11 which occurred to me right when that happened, but the strange Boston bombing background (which practically got me frantic again), the so-called School bombing with all its inconsistencies, the “Underwear” bomber, and….and …and. (Pearl Harbor, Desert Storm, JFK, MLK…) The whole network! Any follow-up seems to just disappear. Can’t http://www.avaaz do something, or someone like that (Occupy) with a lot of clout? Most people seem too flaccid to continue, because the media are so busy “mulching” them under and I could cry for hours just thinking about this myself!

  12. Ted Tilton Sr. says:

    Kevin, many thanks for your awesome work on this book and all your other investigations of the truth. You are so essential to all of us patriotic citizens getting closer to the truth and then demanding that the truth be known to all and finally that those responsible in any way be held accountable. No one should be “above the law”. You have provided the basis for another unbiased, thorough investigation of the largest crime in US history. I appreciate your tenacity. Keep up the good work.

    • Theodore L Tilton Sr. says:

      Kevin, I meant to mention to you another book that helps me understand how so many people could possibly be a part of such a large crime-the crime of 9/11. In 1983, M. Scott Peck wrote People of the Lie. Starting on page 212 , he examines how group evil develops. He thoroughly analyzes, using the MyLai slaughter of over 500 innocent Vietnamese women and children; how this happened (at least 200 US soldiers participated-only one reported it), and how only one guy (Lt. Calley) was held responsible and how the hundreds of others who knew the truth justified the massacre. I know you have spent many hours studying, but this may help you.

  13. fremo says:

    All the great things could be said of this book, and should;
    No ‘Urban Moving Systems’. or fly over.
    leaves a gulf ever greater than that.

  14. Pingback: Darwiniana » New Book Reveals 9/11 Suspects

  15. Brian says:

    Mr. Ryan;

    I just finished listening to part five of the interview you did on Guns and Butter, and did listen to the first four as well. I have one question I have yet to find an answer for, and maybe I’ll find it your book after I make the purchase. But you describe in very great detail the nineteen plus conspirators of 9/11, but an operation of this magnitude had to have taken years to put into place. I have to believe that in some way the Clinton Administration either had knowledge or at the very least someone high up, maybe Clinton himself, that this was going to take place. This just can’t be a cabal of neoconservatives and the military defense industry; this was much wider than that, especially in light of our continued war on the world with a Democrat at the helm.

    By the way the interview was exceptional and the book will be purchased.

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